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SAGE 300

Sage 300 uses REST API for its integration.

Refer to SAGE Website for more information.

Integration modules and configurations for SAGE 300

  1. Accounts Payable Invoice
    1. APInvoiceBatches.AccountSetCode - Enter the default "Account Set" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Accounts Sets are maintained under "Accounts Payable - A/P Setup - Account Sets" in SAGE.
    2. APInvoiceBatches.RateType - Enter the default currency "Rate Type" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Rate Types are maintained under "Common Services - Currency - Currency Rate Type" in SAGE.
    3. APInvoiceBatches.TaxCode - Enter the default "Tax Code" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Tax Codes are maintained under "Common Services - Tax Services- Tax Rates" in SAGE.
    4. APInvoiceBatches.TermCode - Enter the default "Term Code" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Accounts Sets are maintained under "Accounts Payable - A/P Setup - Terms" in SAGE.
    5. APInvoiceBatches.VendorGroupCode - Enter the default "Vendor Code" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Accounts Sets are maintained under "Accounts Payable - A/P Vendor - Vendor Groups" in SAGE. 
  2. Accounts Payable Master
  3. Accounts Receivable Adjustment
    1. GLJournalBatches.RateType - Enter the default currency "Rate Type" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Rate Types are maintained under "Common Services - Currency - Currency Rate Type" in SAGE. 
  4. Accounts Receivable Master
  5. Accounts Receivable Receipt
    1. GLJournalBatches.RateType - Enter the default currency "Rate Type" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Rate Types are maintained under "Common Services - Currency - Currency Rate Type" in SAGE. 
  6. Accounts Receivable Sales Order
    1. GLJournalBatches.RateType - Enter the default currency "Rate Type" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Rate Types are maintained under "Common Services - Currency - Currency Rate Type" in SAGE. 
  7. Accounts Receivable Transaction
  8. General Ledger Journals
    1. GLJournalBatches.RateType - Enter the default currency "Rate Type" that should be used to create transactions in SAGE. Rate Types are maintained under "Common Services - Currency - Currency Rate Type" in SAGE.
  9. General Ledger Master
  10. Tax Master

Steps to configure integration to Sage 300:

  1. Configure the following under "Sage300.API -> General Settings". These details are provided by your systems provider.
    1. Base URL - Enter the URL to indicate the data file.
        1. - This is the server where the SAGE API is installed.
        2. RSSDAT- This is the company name in the SAGE database that we will integrate with.
    2. Authorization - Enter the username and password for the SAGE company file in the format USERNAME:PASSWORD.
  2. Enable the modules that is required for integration.

Also See:

  1. Integrating SAGE with Tax Monitoring System (TMS)